24 July 2013

Makin' Moves & Salted Caramel Brownies

Why yes, fellow food-lovers, I am in fact making several things lately. Moves. That's one of them - lots and lots of moves. Salted caramel brownies is among the more delicious of what I've been making. But both will be discussed today as promised.

All jokes aside, I never joke about food. So, we'll start with that. I have been dying to make a chewy, chocolatey, omnom-screaming brownie. My brownies last week were good, but they were more intense due to the added coffee. I have thus added a few little tricks of my own in the form of beer and salted caramel. And while I hate to brag, this brownie kicked some serious taste buds! I was nervous that the caramel was going to harden and cause dentists all over Nashville to curse Littlest Love. But fortunately for me, I made a quick, super soft caramel that was to die for. And thus it was both ooey and gooey inside those brownies. We all know those are the basic brownie requirements.

Ohh, look at those soft squares of buttery caramel goodness...

I went to the store in search for Guinness (brilliant!), but I happened upon this Vanilla Java Porter by Atwater Brewery (support Detroit!) in the beer aisle, and well, Guinness took the back burner. This stuff is delicious! I couldn't let the rest of 6-pack go to waste, so it's cooling in my fridge for a post-work beverage.

It poured a beautiful, brown caramel color, and was a great addition to the dark cocoa powder.

And there you have it. Thick, chewy, caramel-y brownies!

Ohhh... Ahhh...

Oh, now you want to hear about all the moves I've been making? As if it doesn't get better than salted caramel and chocolate, I have some totally SWEET news! As of now, Littlest Love has become a real-live business.  I have formed an LLC and handled 99% of the business side of things, and am just working on creating contacts and new friends in the form of suppliers and wholesalers who want to buy my goods!

If you think that's not exciting enough, I am working on a survey that I plan to send out very soon that will request your honest opinions. The survey results will likely be the decision-maker in whether or not I offer an online-only Cookie of the Month Club! How many of you want fresh cookies from Littlest Love over-nighted to your doorstep?! Survey Monkey will tell all!

In the meantime, I'll be baking more cookies and brownies this week!  And next weekend, I'll be baking cupcakes for a friend's birthday party. I'm still trying to conjure up a final peanut butter cupcake combination, so if you have any ideas, please share here in my comments, or find me on Facebook!

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