05 August 2013

S'more Birthday Fun!

I'm going to get right down to business before I get into the fun in the sun action. After several iterations and help from friends, I have developed a very short, 10-question survey for each of you to fill out. It takes all of 5 minutes to do, and it is going to help me offer you the best products. I'm hoping that your input will provide me with some strategic insights so that I can begin baking in September! So please take a few moments and head on over to Survey Monkey!

Okay, okay, I'm ready to talk about the goods! This weekend was a festive one, filled with baking and birthday parties and sunshine! I was lucky enough to be able to bake for a wonderful friend's birthday party. Her only parameter: PEANUT BUTTER. My immediate reaction was to pair it with chocolate. But I held myself back and really thought this one through. After asking around on my Facebook page, I realized quickly that my options could be endless. People suggested Nutter Butters, blueberry jam, Nutella, bananas, and the list goes on and on. And believe me, those ideas will be used in many future recipes, but I had to narrow it down somehow. To really keep with the sunshine, summer and barbecue theme, I went with a play on everybody's favorite campfire food: S'MORES!

So in honor of the mild, perfect weather we've had all summer, I bring you... a peanut butter s'mores cupcake! The cupcakes themselves were crispy on the top and fluffy on the inside, giving them the perfect likeness to a graham cracker, without losing that light and airy cupcake charm.

And of course I filled it with something wonderful. What's that you ask? Any guesses??

If you said Nutella, you'd be spot on. I decided to bring out a more sophisticated flavor than just a simple chocolate ganache filling. Thus, I opted to bring out the nuttiness by using this perfect, chocolate hazelnut spread. The options with Nutella are endless, but the beauty of a s'more is the simplicity of the ingredients, so I just stuffed that bad boy with Nutella straight up!

And what a magical pairing it was.

I topped it with a pillowy, peanut butter marshmallow frosting and a mini Reece's peanut butter cup for good measure. And in all of the peanut buttery excitement, I added a little too much of it to the frosting, causing the oils to sweat out a little bit. Thankfully, they tasted delicious regardless. Next time, I'll be sure to stay calm and keep the ratios on point.

Speaking of ratios, anybody know the ratio of size and likability? If it were based on my friend alone, I'd say that it's inversely proportional, because I have a huge amount of love for someone so little and adorable! Only this southern belle could look this cute after sliding down a giant slip-n-slide while we all sang her Happy Birthday. Her reward/present for being such a trooper? A cupcake, of course!

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